KATIE BULMER-COOKE: Don't be afraid to ask for help

Sir Peter VardySir Peter Vardy
Sir Peter Vardy
This past week has been a week filled with education, as I've delivered courses and took part in a course myself too.

I started by delivering a workshop to a group of personal trainers ‘in-training’.

I love teaching this workshop as it takes me back 10 years to when I qualified as a trainer.

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It’s such an exciting time, gearing up to dive into an industry you love and doing a job that is packed with satisfaction.

It also reminds me how far I’ve come and how much I often take for granted. I frequently forget how much I’ve learned along the way and the impact that my learning has had on my business.

It really made me think that those of us who’ve had a business for a significant amount of time, or those who’ve had a lot of experience in a particular type of role or industry have so much to offer people who are just starting out.

Such experience is hugely beneficial to others and I do think that we should all feel a sense of responsibility to pass on our knowledge to the ‘newbies’.

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I look back at when I started my business at the age of 16, and I wish I’d had some form of mentorship or guidance, simply to provide basic information and insight.

These nuggets of information can help avoid mistakes, save money and fast track you to success.

Personally I’m always happy to help others where I can as I know first hand just how impactful a few hints and tips can be.

Around two years ago, I was extremely grateful for the hour and a half I was able to spend with Sir Peter Vardy.

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He was kind enough to give me his time and share his experience and expertise.

He listened to what I told him about my business and gave me solid advice on how best to grow and develop my company, which I’ve since used to create very positive outcomes.

The meeting with Sir Peter came about simply because I asked, and as we say in Sunderland ‘shy bairns get nowt!’

We were both at an entrepreneur networking event and I plucked up the courage to go and introduce myself, which was quite scary as he’s a total business legend!

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So whether you’re a new start up business or an established company who has become stuck in a rut and needs some ideas and inspiration, don’t be nervous, shy or afraid to ask others for help.

All businesses and the people in them can learn from others and it’s a willingness to share that will ultimately contribute to the success of business as a whole in Sunderland.

Withholding help and support won’t get anyone anywhere and will ultimately come back to bite you on the bum, as no business can say they never face challenges, difficult times or decisions...you just never know when you may need someone else’s time and support.

Having an ‘open-door’ approach will benefit everyone involved in business in Sunderland.

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