Easington - Down Your Way

Easington Academy students who took part in a trampoline competition at Wellfield Community School.Easington Academy students who took part in a trampoline competition at Wellfield Community School.
Easington Academy students who took part in a trampoline competition at Wellfield Community School.
A group of 16 students from Easington Academy took part in a trampoline competition held at Wellfield Community School in March. Three levels of routine were performed ranging from tuck jumps to front somersaults. The girls came away with a variety of certificates including Jade Saxby, Year 9, who took second place in Advanced Routine Level 3, Amy Lowes, Year 8, third place in Advanced Routine Level 3 and Madison Riley, Year 8, third place in Intermediate Routine Level 2.

During this half term, Rosemary Lane Nursery School will be working with a small group of children from the Village Primary School to strengthen links. This is a short project to develop skills in using clay. Reception children will be modelling skills learned from their recent visit to The Baltic Art Centre in Newcastle. They will continue to develop the children’s interests through their play. There is a visit planned, for the older children, to the Gala Theatre and the younger children will have a special “Tiny Tweeties” music and movement performance in nursery with parents.

Do you have children aged between seven and 11? Join the team at Healthworks on Fridays from 4pm-5pm for its new exercise session (circuits/small gym) plus craft activities. Sessions are £1 but children aged under-nine must be accompanied by an adult.

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Easington Academy students are preparing to become space biologists and embark on a voyage of discovery by growing seeds that have been into space. In September, 2kg of rocket seeds were flown to the International Space Station (ISS) on Soyuz 44S where they spent several months in microgravity before returning to Earth this month. The seeds have been sent as part of Rocket Science, an educational project launched by the RHS Campaign for School Gardening and the UK Space Agency. Easington Academy will be one of up to 10,000 schools to receive a packet of 100 seeds from space, which they will grow alongside seeds that haven’t been to space and measure the differences over seven weeks. The students won’t know which seed packet contains which seeds until all results have been collected by the RHS Campaign for School Gardening and analysed by professional biostatisticians. The out-of-this-world, nationwide science experiment will enable the students to think more about how we could preserve human life on another planet in the future, what astronauts need to survive long-term missions in space and the difficulties surrounding growing fresh food in challenging climates.

Come along to Eat Wise to Drop a Size every Wednesday from 5pm-6.30pm at Healthworks. Simply drop in and turn up weekly for a weigh-in, recipes and portion control advice as well as a free gym induction and lots of support and friendly faces.

Yoga is a fantastic way to exercise and reduce stress. Sessions are held at Healthworks every week on the following days: Wednesdays 5.15pm-6.15pm, 6.30pm-7.30pm and Saturdays 9.30am-10.30am and 10.45am-11.45am. Classes cost £2.50 and must be booked, ring 0191 527 4150.

Are you aged 50 plus and looking to try an exercise that is suitable for all levels of fitness and abilities? Maybe you’ve had a fall and want to improve your balance as well as your confidence. Why not give Tai Chi a try? Tai Chi is an excellent form of slow moving exercises that improve your strength, balance and overall well-being. A class runs in the Easington Methodist Church, Seaside Lane, every Thursday from 2pm to 3pm. For more information, call George Barber at Age UK County Durham on 0191 3746568.