Prolific Sunderland sex offender found guilty of sick attacks on girls over seven years

Gary Neil Paul Peel.Gary Neil Paul Peel.
Gary Neil Paul Peel.
A Sunderland man has been found guilty of subjecting two girls to a string of sex offences over a seven-year period.

Gary Neil Paul Peel was found guilty of six counts of rape and two counts of indecent assault following a five-day trial at Newcastle Crown Court.

Today, the detective who helped bring him to justice has spoken of the disregard Peel showed for his victims during the case – tragically, one is no longer alive to see him being held to account for his shocking crimes.

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The 51-year-old paedophile subjected one of his victims to years of abuse, starting when she was just 11 years old.

On another occasion, he also raped a second victim in his bathroom after plying her with alcohol.

Detective Constable Sarah Judson, who led the case, described this afternoon as “emotional” as the eight guilty verdicts were read out.

Det Cons Judson said: "I am really pleased with the verdict today, it really has been emotional.

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“Although it was with a heavy heart justice is being served posthumously for one of the victims who is tragically no longer with us but I am thankful the jury reached the right decision.

"At no point has Peel shown any remorse for either of his victims but their strength in coming forward to report these crimes has been paramount in getting justice.

"I hope this gives anyone out there who is suffering in silence the courage to come forward.”

Peel of Alnwick Street, Sunderland, has been remanded in custody and is due to be sentenced in October.

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Northumbria Police has said anyone who has been a victim of rape, sexual assault or domestic violence, whether this is recent or historic, can come forward and contact police on 101, or 999 in an emergency.

To contact the 24/7 Crisis Helpline contact 0333 3448 283 or find out more about our Sexual Assault Referral Centre by searching REACH SARC online.

Victims can also contact Victims First Northumbria on 0800 011 3116, which will give independent advice and support.